Saturday, November 22, 2008

Photo Essay No.05 - 11/6

On November 6, I hiked up the road toward billy's place, then up to Judd Falls.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Photo Essay No.04 - Sunrise

These pictures were taken on different days over the last month, under slightly different weather conditions. They are in no particular order and share only their proximity to the sunrise.


I caught some of my neighbors out hunting the past few mornings. Cody identified this first guy as an Ermine. He moved so fast I'm surprised I got this shot.

Update: Dennis Manz, one of the other caretakers, photographed a porcupine poking it's head out from under Lead King cabin on Dec. 20.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


This is Maroon Cabin (on the right). In winter it will serve as a back country ski cabin for overnighters. It's brand new this year and I'll be responsible for taking care of it.

It has a fully equipped kitchen...

A dining and living area...

And four bedrooms upstairs (3 with 2 twins beds each, and 1 with a single full).

There is a bathroom, but it only has a shower and sink (sorry, you'll have to outhouse it). There's no wood stove in this cabin, but it does have a ground source heat pump for warmth, and hot and cold running water.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What a Difference a Day Makes...

I've been wanting snow, and today I got it. The first major snow storm of the season rolled in this morning; about six inches so far, with maybe a foot or two more expected overnight.


(O)h, yeah... that, too.

Monday, November 3, 2008


A few people have asked for a look at my cabin, so...

This is my castle... Rogers-Boggs. It's a four bedroom house with a bathroom, kitchen and living room. It has an attached outhouse off the bathroom... Sorry, no flusher. (I'm just glad it's inside.)

Dennis lives in Avery cabin.

And Cody lives up in Gates... at the very top of the hill. That's my living room window in the foreground.

This is my wood for the winter. I stacked it myself, so I wouldn't stand under it if I were you.

My front door...

And this is my living room.

The stairs up to my bedroom...

And my kitchen...

Best of all, this is the view from my window...